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Wynn Sells Out Again

by: Jana Avtor

Tue Jul 07, 2009 at 02:41 PM EDT

( - promoted by Isaac Smith)

The Baltimore Sun reports that former Rep. Al Wynn has signed as his first lobbying client a firm whose work in Sudan has been "sharply criticized by human rights advocates." The New York state pension fund has gotten rid of its shares in companies doing business in Sudan and Wynn's new client in particular, with New York State Comptroller Thomas Dinapoli saying "We don't expect our investments to benefit regimes that support genocide and terrorism."

Maryland residents won't soon forget the shoddy representation that Wynn provided in Congress for residents of Prince George's and Montgomery County. After cozying up to key contributors with a sympathetic voting record that often ignored the interests of his constituents, Wynn ended his congressional career by resigning early to cash-in as a lobbyist, costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Jana Avtor :: Wynn Sells Out Again
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